Tuesday, December 29, 2009

What's In a Name?

"A rose by any other name would smell as sweet" a famous author once penned. Yes, but would it capture your blogosphere readers attention? That is the question!

Some of your may have wondered where I came up with the title of my blog, or at least wondered "who the heck is Mrs. Brown?" So, in due respect to anyone who reads any of my posts, I shall tell you, I shall reveal my secret to my avid readers. Mrs. Brown was one of my high school English teachers, an eccentric lady with stringy short brown hair and a deep, loud voice and an outrageous laugh. She was exceptionally blunt, sometimes to the point of rudeness, but she was one very smart lady and she put up with crap from no one. At least, that is how I remember her. And, she encouraged my writing skills, as I wrote critical essays on "Anna Karenina" and other popular novels of the day. But I have to confess that "Mrs. Brown" is a pseudonym, because the day I set up the blog I could not remember her last name, only her face and booming voice. After I found out from my sister what her real name was, I decided to leave the blog name the way it was, for two reasons. One, I didn't know how to change the name of my blog after I had published posts in it. And second, I thought I would feel more comfortable using the pseudonym -- you know, in case she's still alive and has discovered the wonders of the blogosphere in her golden years.

But the nagging question still remains. I sign my posts with the nondescript tag "Undecided", because, when I started writing in the blogosphere, I was "undecided" about a name with which to sign my posts. That tag was supposed to be temporary, until I could come up with a catchy pen name. But here it is, more than ten posts later, and I am still "undecided".

If anyone has any suggestions, please let me know.

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